aids related terms 意味
- <→AIDS-RELATED terms>
- aids AIDS, Aids n. エイズ, 後天性免疫不全症候群. 【動詞+】 HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
- related related 密接 みっせつ 隣接 りんせつ
- terms terms 条件 じょうけん 体様 たいよう
- aids related {形} :
- aids-related terms エイズ関連{かんれん}の用語{ようご}
- aids related {形} :
- aids-related {形} : エイズ関連{かんれん}の
- aids related abdominal disease
- aids related activities
- aids related animal experimentation
- aids related cancer
- aids related complex
- aids related complications
- aids related condition
- aids related death